GreenEye CMS

It is a health and usage monitoring system for a wind turbine, installed with a FPGA based real-time embedded controller. It monitors, analyzes and predicts the status of major components of the wind turbine, diagnosing defects of a wind turbine in early stage to prevent its failure in advance. It has been developed according to the recommended size of DNV-GL and IEC 61400-25. 

The monitoring system for land and sea wind turbines
The monitoring system for land and sea wind turbines
The monitoring system for status of a plant including a rotor
The monitoring system for status of a plant including a rotor


  • 16CH acceleration signal input
  • 8CH ±10V analog input
  • 4CH RTD temperature input
  • 8CH digital signal input
  • Sampling of maximum 51.2kS/s
  • FPGA based real-time embedded controller
  • Ethernet interface


  • Based on BIN analysis of IEC 61400-25
  • Monitoring based on trigger, simultaneous setting on regular monitoring is available
  • Wind turbine gyro frequency measurement function
  • Order analysis
  • Alarm and database interworking function

GreenEye CMS

It is a health and usage monitoring system for a wind turbine, 

installed with a FPGA based real-time embedded controller. 

It monitors, analyzes and predicts the status of major components of the 

wind turbine, diagnosing defects of a wind turbine in early stage to prevent 

its failure in advance. It has been developed according to the recommended 

size of DNV-GL and IEC 61400-25. 

육상 및 해상 풍력발전기의 상태 감시 시스템
육상 및 해상 풍력발전기의 상태 감시 시스템
회전체를 포함한 플랜트의 상태 감시 시스템
회전체를 포함한 플랜트의 상태 감시 시스템


  • 16CH 가속도 신호 입력
  • 8CH ±10V 아날로그 입력
  • 4CH RTD 온도 입력
  • 8CH 디지털 신호 입력
  • 최대 51.2kS/s 샘플링
  • FPGA 기반 실시간 임베디드 제어기
  • Ethernet 인터페이스


  • IEC 61400-25의 BIN 해석에 기반

  • 트리거 기반 모니터링, 주기적 모니터링 동시 설정 가능

  • 풍력발전기 회전 주파수 측정 기능
  • 차수 분석 (Order Analysis)
  • 알람 및 데이터 베이스 연동 기능