See What You’ve been Missing!

From the Sound of the Ear, To the Minute Air · Gas Leak, and the Electric Arc!

BATCAM2.0 is the world’s lightest and smallest ultrasonic / sound camera. It can be used for various objectives, because it can measure not only signal in audible range but also in ultrasonic range. It has 112 microphones for high measurement sensitivity and can detect ultrasonic signal at 48kHz. BATCAM2.0 can clearly measure not only car BSR(Buzz, Squeak, Rattle), but also the minute air · gas leak, and the electric arc. It will continually increase productivity and comfort.

mobile background
Measurement of Car BSR Noise and Identification of Causes
Measurement of Car BSR Noise and Identification of Causes
Visualization of Air · Gas Leak, and the Electric Arc Location
Visualization of Air · Gas Leak, and the Electric Arc Location
Noise Diagnosis and Evaluation in Industrial Sites
Noise Diagnosis and Evaluation in Industrial Sites
Visualize Air and Gas Leaks, Electric Discharge
Visualize Air and Gas Leaks, Electric Discharge
Noise Diagnosis and Evaluation in Industrial Sites
Noise Diagnosis and Evaluation in Industrial Sites
Noise Diagnosis and Evaluation in Industrial Sites
Noise Diagnosis and Evaluation in Industrial Sites

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Principle of Ultrasound Measurement

When a gas leak occurs, it results in ultrasonic wave element, higher than the audible frequency. Ultrasonic wave element is also made when electrical arc occurs. Therefore, in noisy environment, ultrasonic wave element can be measured to determine whether or not gas leak and electrical arc have occurred and where they have occurred. BATCAM 2.0 has detected a leak at a distance of 0.5m at 51cc/min (0.85cc/sec) with 1.6bar pressure pressurized.

Specifications 테이블안 바꿔야됨

Sensor(Microphone)112Ch Digital MEMS
Effective Frequency Range
2 k ~ 48 kHz
Microphone Sensitivity
-41 dBFS  
Signal-To-Noise ratio
66 dB(A)
Camera Frame Speed
25 FPS
Detection Distance
0.3 m ~ 50 m
Display Type
5” Color LCD
Battery Operation Time4 Hours
Product Size237 mm x 146 mm x 56 mm
Product Weight1.2 kg
Operating Temperature-20 ~ 50 ℃

Warranty extension program

Basic Warranty 1 Year  

Additional 2 years

+18,000,000 KRW (excluding VAT)



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