BSR Checker provides means to detect stick-slip noise on a vehicle assembly. The ergonomic design allows you to press down the part under test with sensitive thumb-down design while an embedded load cell records the applied force and an embedded microphone listens and analyses generated BSR signal. BSRTools is a set of different software and hardware tools, each focusing on measuring, evaluating, and identifying various stick-slip noise. 

mobile background

BSR Checker provides means to detect stick-slip noise on a vehicle assembly. 

The ergonomic design allows you to press down the part under test with sensitive thumb-down design while an embedded load cell records the applied force and an embedded microphone listens and analyses generated BSR signal. BSRTools is a set of different software and hardware tools, each focusing on measuring, evaluating, and identifying various stick-slip noise.

Quantitative evaluation method instead of previously used subjective evaluation
Quantitative evaluation method instead of previously used subjective evaluation
Measuring vehicle noise which occurs in excited body or various components joints
Measuring vehicle noise which occurs in excited body or various components joints
Assembly condition check in end of line tests
Assembly condition check in end of line tests
Quantitative evaluation method instead of previously used subjective evaluation
Quantitative evaluation method instead of previously used subjective evaluation
Measuring vehicle noise which occurs in excited body or various components joints
Measuring vehicle noise which occurs in excited body or various components joints
Assembly condition check in end of line tests
Assembly condition check in end of line tests


  • Intuitive one-hand thumb-down grasp device for sensitive manipulation
  • Shock-absorber non-slip tip for better feeling of force response
  • LCD indicating SPL and force value


  • Displaying SPL and Force Level
  • Pass / Fail Test
  • Tracking of Test History
  • User calibration of microphone and load cell sensors 

SoftwareㅣData viewer

  • FFT analysis of SPL
  • Component quality report 



  • Intuitive one-hand thumb-down grasp device for sensitive manipulation
  • Shock-absorber non-slip tip for better feeling of force response
  • LCD indicating SPL and force value


  • Displaying SPL and Force Level
  • Pass / Fail Test
  • Tracking of Test History
  • User calibration of microphone and load cell sensors

Software┃Data viewer

  • FFT analysis of SPL
  • Component quality report

Sensor1 - Microphone
Mic. TypeElectret Microphone
Number of Mic.1
Stabdard Power4.5 V DC

Sensor1 - Load Cell
Rated Capacity20 kgf
Rated Output0.7 ~ 1.5 mV/V
Operating Temperature-20 ~ 80 ℃
Permission Overload150 %
Limit Overload300%

Data Acquisition and Processing
Sampling RateMax 51.2 kS/s
Meas. AlgorithmSimple Trigger
Meas. ModePretrigger Mode

Physical Charateristics
Weight200 g
Dimension130 x 110 x 30 (mm)